Jockey Hollow HOA Events

2024 Board Member Nominations Meeting and Hollow HOA Hangout Agenda

Jockey Hollow Board of Directors 

Nomination Meeting Agenda


  1. Call to Order
  2. Close Out Prior Meeting Business
  3. Meeting Minutes
  4. Treasurer’s Report and Dues Update
  5. ARC Requests
  6. Concerns and Complaints
  7. Nominations for Next Board
    1. Record nominations from mail
    2. Solicit nominations from attendees
    3. Read list of nominees and ask to accept or decline
    4. Compile list of accepted nominees who shall appear on the ballot
  8. Open Forum
    1. Update on the overall status of the HOA
    2. Q&A opportunity for Members
    3. Reserved for nominees to speak if they would like
  9. Adjourn

Aug 10th, 2024 03:00 pm